Self Care When Separating or Divorcing

The process of separating or divorcing can be one of the most stressful transitions in your life. It is a time that requires coping with changes of all kinds: the ending of the marital relationship while also facing decisions,...

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“Gray” Divorce: Separation or Divorce in Older Couples

The American Dream! You’ve married, raised a family, bought a house, put the kids through college. A few years later your children have grown, moved out, started careers and families of their own. Now the “empty nest” feeling of...

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NY Spousal Support Guidelines

In an attempt to obtain more uniformity in Judge’s awards regarding the amount of spousal support (also called “Maintenance”) and the length of time spousal support will be paid, New York State passed a new law in January 2016. The...

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Do we have to be “amicable” to mediate our divorce?

Many couples contemplating divorce are under the false impression that they must get along and be “amicable” to mediate their divorce or separation. This is a common misconception. The truth is that the vast majority of mediation clients will,...

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Co-parenting and divorce mediation

With the best interests of your children in mind, at New York Divorce Mediation Group we often bring the opportunity and benefits of Co-parenting into the divorce mediation conversation. When any family breaks apart there will be changes in every...

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Spousal Support: What is it? When is it Appropriate? How Much and for How Long?

In our Divorce Mediation practice, we often come upon situations where one spouse will need to provide financial support to the other spouse for a period of time and, far less often, permanently. This type of spousal support is...

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What to expect during the divorce mediation process

Talk about divorce and many people have predetermined ideas of what the process is and what to expect. You know there will be lawyers involved for each side, court appearances, preparing legal papers, the costs of two attorneys and...

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Re-entering the workforce during or after your divorce

You’re in the process of a major life transition, separation or divorce, and now possibly faced with the reality of diminished income, especially if only one spouse has been working during the marriage. Yet another life transition is at...

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The Benefits of Collaborative Divorce

Those couples considering ending their marriage have a new choice in how they actually dissolve the marriage. It's called collaborative divorce. As the name implies, collaborative divorce is all about a team approach to resolving family issues in an amicable...

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